Medication Policy

USD 484 will provide the following medications to your child upon written authorization from the parent:

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
    (Children's strength chewable and liquid forms will be provided according to age)

  • Ibuprofen (Advil)
    (Junior strength chewable and liquid forms will be provided according to age)

  • Benadryl (for allergic reactions)

  • Menthol cough drops

Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Hydrocortisone Cream, Benadryl Cream/and or Spray, Saline drops, and Antiseptic wash are all used according to the student's needs deemed necessary by the school nurse or staff. If you child is allergic to any of these please make sure to make the school the aware of this prior to school starting and note on the form at enrollment.

The parent/legal guardian must complete and sign the Consent for Administration of Over-the-Counter-Medication(s) form before medication from school stock will be given. (This form is to be completed at time of enrollment if you want your child to receive school stock medication).

The above listed medications will be administered sparingly and only when deemed necessary by delegated school staff or the school nurse, to make your child more comfortable and able to remain at school.

Dosage will be according to manufacturer's label.

If your child routinely requests medication from school stock, you will be noted and a request will be made for you to provide your child's own medication.

Self Administration- The student may be allowed to self administrate certain medications such as epi pens and inhalers per doctor's signatures and parent signatures on the proper school forms.

At no point should a student carry any medications on themselves at school or bring medications to school without the proper paperwork.

If at anytime you have questions or are concerned please feel free to call or email. I welcome all forms of communication no matter how big or small.

Lindsay Wallace, RN
USD 484 District Nurse
Email Lindsay Wallace
620-378-4138 (Lincoln's Number)